By definition, digital transformation is a process of profound transformation that requires attitudes of permanent change and adaptation to leave comfort zones and explore new possibilities. This may have been something many companies did not know about or had this as a long-term plan, but things made those plans change. With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses were forced tremendously fast to embrace their operations in a more digital way.
Businesses need to work not only on their daily and short-term operations but also to consider the alternative ways of continuing them, always foreseeing that the way of working will change.
It is known by everyone that this “new normal” is bringing many changes to the whole world, even more, we see solutions that promote activities that do not involve direct contact, for example, the use of digital channels has been emphasized, as well as doing many things from home; the video or television producers have had to completely reinvent themselves, their TV talents and other personnel have had to be self-sufficient in terms of their preparations, but even more so in digitization, which has allowed them to continue providing what they should to give even in the context in which we all find ourselves. The education sector has also undergone this transformation, although many educational centers have not been able to continue developing their content due to not having a digital transformation plan for this sector.
Imagining a moment like this without the technological solutions we have would be like a turn in time or a perfect movie script about a shutdown operation at a global level. Because everywhere you look, everything is related or carried out through digital media.
Companies that did not have under their portfolios or had not initiated digitization efforts, have seen their situation diminished; many of them in the way of disappearing as a result of all this. Therefore, I proceed to note some considerations to take when designing a digital transformation plan:
- You must have a duplicate of operations execution. All business activity must be thought to be carried out in a different way than it is today. This implies thinking outside the box, and that possibly what is devised becomes a new business route.
- Do not leave security behind. Although companies implement security to their processes and systems internally, the rapid need to go digital may have forced to apply solutions that have not been evaluated or tested against security flaws, therefore, security testing is a very important recommendation.
- Do not just involve technology. This process also involves a change of mentality and depends on the ease of adaptation of those involved, so that it can be switched from one mode to another in an effective and harmless way.
Transitions can be hard, but when you are certain that you are effective and resilient to changes or situations that may arise, it really is a peace of mind and is a distinguishing feature in terms of competition.
And finally, as I write this article, the story was written by the American physician and author Spencer Johnson, entitled “Who Moved My Cheese?” comes to mind, which makes it clear that when we realize that things have changed and that they cannot continue as they were in the past, although they have been done in this way for a long time, it does not imply that the alternatives for the survival of that which is important for us are not sought, and as a phrase in the book says: “they have moved our cheese” for what we have to always look for “new cheese”.
Let us constantly evaluate ourselves, even now.
By Joan Vidal
SOC Lead
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic